Myerscough College Premier League - Tue, 11/03
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Please Note: Some Show Organisers may release start times for part of the classes in a show, with further classes to follow. Once published, start times update automatically.

Arena walks are displayed at the start of each class where possible. Extra arena walks, Wednesday 16:00- 16:30 & Thursday 17.30-18:00. All arena walks are to be mounted with bridle numbers visible. 

Prize givings will be held in the reception, with times announced throughout the day. There will be photo opportunities for the winner and their horse in the main arena, please see the collecting ring steward to arrange a time slot. 

Stables and hook-ups run from 4 pm to 4 pm. Please see reception for your stable number. A £20 cash deposit will be required on arrival before stables are allocated. 

General exercise will be from 5 pm each evening in the covered arena. Please note there is no general exercise in the main warm-up arena, due to fairness to competitors. 

We hope you all have a great show, and we can't wait to see you!


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