
Round Meadows Equestrian

RoR Midlands-Posture and Performance Flatwork Clinic with Emma Murphy, Stoke-on-Trent ST9

Retraining of Racehorses Retraining of Racehorses BHSII, Stage 4 Senior Coach in Eventing, BHS Accredited Professional Coach, UKCC Level 2 equestrian coach, NLP, Optimise and Resilience Coach. Emma has also achieved qualifications in Positive Psychol...
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Closing for bookings in 20d 20h 29m


Event dates

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Bookings open

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BHSII, Stage 4 Senior Coach in Eventing, BHS Accredited Professional Coach, UKCC Level 2 equestrian coach, NLP, Optimise and Resilience Coach. Emma has also achieved qualifications in Positive Psychology , Equine Psychology, Equine Physiology, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy and has vast experience of retraining ex racehorses. This knowledge combined with her intuitive, adaptive manner, enables Emma to bring out the best in a horse and rider, no matter what their level of experience. Emma is an International coach, training riders from France, Germany, Finland, and Canada as well as the UK.


Emma, with her partner Martin Murphy, has co- developed and written programmes such as ‘Mindful Mastery’ and the ‘Complete Rider Confidence System’ which is sold as on-line book. Utilising modern and traditional (classical) methods of training and coaching, Emma can bring a new perspective to riding, helping riders gain confidence and find their ‘peak performance’ zone.

Emma has been training horses and their riders for well over 25 years, including competing in many disciplines like dressage, showjumping, eventing, side-saddle, vaulting, hunting also training point-to-point race horses (and raced a camel coming 


Terms & conditions

Terms and Conditions for RoR event booking and participation

1. Participants for ridden events your horse must be registered with RoR and riders must be 15 years of age on the 1 January of the current year.

2. Riders must have their own Personal Liability Insurance Policies.

3. It is an express condition of everyone entering the venue that they do

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Terms and Conditions for RoR event booking and participation

1. Participants for ridden events your horse must be registered with RoR and riders must be 15 years of age on the 1 January of the current year.

2. Riders must have their own Personal Liability Insurance Policies.

3. It is an express condition of everyone entering the venue that they do so at their own risk and voluntarily accepts the risk of injury or damage that is implicit in riding or handing a horse on the premises.

4. All deposits are none refundable.

5. No refunds or reductions are offered for arriving late, leaving early, or inability to participate for any reason (such as lame horse/lost shoe).

6. Where the balance/full payment has been made for an event a refund will be given only if it has been possible to fill your space on the event from a wait list.

7. The organiser reserves the right to cancel the event at any time in which case refunds will be given. Should the organiser be forced to cancel an event the entry fee will be refunded. The organiser will not accept any contingent liability, such as travel, or any cost faced by the participant howsoever incurred.

8. Retraining of Racehorses (RoR), their servants, agents, employees and all those connected with the event venue, do not accept any liability for any damage, whether occasioned by the negligence or breach of contract or statutory duty of themselves, their servants, agents, employees or those connected with RoR or the venue or the venue's facilities or otherwise, whatsoever.

9. All accidents must be reported, and an Accident Report Form is to be completed by the coach in charge and recorded by a representative of RoR.

10. Dress code is casual, but for ridden events hats to the current standard must be worn. Body protectors are optional for all events except cross country riding when they must be work along with a riding hat without a fixed peak.

11. Please be kind and courteous to everyone, behaviour deemed to be unacceptable is to be reported to a representative of RoR and you may be omitted from attending the event if your behaviour contravenes our rules of conduct.













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Who & where

Organiser contact
Robyn Wetherall
Mobile: 07796 137055
Round Meadows Equestrian
Round Meadows Equestrian Arena
Round Meadows Farm
07549 648438
07549 648438
