
Gryffeside Livery

KKRC Linda Barnes Flatwork Lessons

British Riding Clubs

Venue - Gryffeside Livery, Blacksholm Road, Kilmacolm, PA13 4SR Indoors at Gryffeside livery. Each lesson will be an hour shared lesson (2 riders) Members £40 non members £45. Gryffeside L...
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Bookings closed

Event dates

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Bookings open

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Maximum spaces per day (for the event): 8


Venue - Gryffeside Livery, Blacksholm Road, Kilmacolm, PA13 4SR

Indoors at Gryffeside livery. Each lesson will be an hour shared lesson (2 riders) Members £40 non members £45. Gryffeside Liveries can enjoy a shared lesson for £35 per person or a private 45 min lesson for £50. Once lesson times have been issued no refund will be given unless the space is filled. 

Terms & conditions

Kilmacolm & Kilallan Riding Club does not accept responsibility for any accident, loss, damage, injury or illness to any horse, rider, spectator, vehicles or their contents or any other person or property whilst on any site used by the Riding Club. Riders take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own actions.

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Kilmacolm & Kilallan Riding Club does not accept responsibility for any accident, loss, damage, injury or illness to any horse, rider, spectator, vehicles or their contents or any other person or property whilst on any site used by the Riding Club. Riders take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own actions.

Who & where

Organiser contact
Carole Forrest
Mobile: 07919 358384
Gryffeside Livery
Gryffeside Farm
Blackholm Road
PA13 4SR
07794 140228
