
Scottish National Equestrian Centre (SNEC)


The Pony Club The Pony Club L&S SHOWJUMPING OPEN AND TEAM  EVENT   OPEN TO ALL   Incorporating The Barrier Animal Health Spring Festival Qualifiers      Linlithgow and Stirlingshire Open and Tea...
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Bookings closed Download schedule

Event dates

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{{ showDatesByTimezone(m_show.start, 'time', m_show.timezone, "HH:mm a") }}

{{ showDatesByTimezone(m_show.end, 'date', m_show.timezone, "ddd, MMM DD 'YY") }}
{{ showDatesByTimezone(m_show.end, 'time', m_show.timezone, "HH:mm a") }}

Bookings open

{{ showDatesByTimezone(m_show.start_entries, 'date', m_show.timezone, "ddd, MMM DD 'YY") }}
{{ showDatesByTimezone(m_show.start_entries, 'time', m_show.timezone, "HH:mm a") }}

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{{ showDatesByTimezone(m_show.end, 'time', m_show.timezone, "HH:mm a") }}







Incorporating The Barrier Animal Health Spring Festival Qualifiers 



Linlithgow and Stirlingshire Open and Team Show

Linlithgow and Stirlingshire Branch of the Pony Club




Commencing 8.00am (tbc), Saturday 1st February 2025

SNEC, Oatridge, Ecclesmachan

Course Builder David Mcleish


Photographer Sinclair Photography


Show secretary Claire Leitch 07855485535




Entries on HorseMonkey closing date Monday 27th January



Commencing 8am (tbc)


 All classes (excluding class 1) will include spreads.

Teams must be declared by Wednesday 29th January by email to

Teams can be made up from pony clubs, yards or even just your friends.


Class 1 X Poles and straights

Max height 40cm

Single phase

Entry £12

Kindly sponsored by 



Class 2 40cm Individual and Teams Competition.

Open to all. Combinations entered in this class will not be able to compete in classes 4 and above.

Individual placing and team placings

Single phase 

Speed 300 mpm

Entry £15

Individuals Kindly sponsored by 

Teams Kindly sponsored by 



Class 3 50cm Individual and Teams Competition.

Open to all. Combinations entered in this class will not be able to compete in classes 5 and above.

Individual placing and team placings

Single phase 

Speed 300 mpm

Entry £15

Individuals Kindly sponsored by 

Teams Kindly sponsored by 


Class 4 60cm Individual and Teams Competition.

Open to all.

Individual placing and team placings

Single phase 

Speed 325 mpm

Entry £15

Individuals Kindly sponsored by 

Teams Kindly sponsored by 


*** Please note that classes 5-8 are OPEN to ALL however, qualification will only be awarded to those who are eligible, e.g. Top 2 from Area 1 and 19 provided placed top 6.  Please make sure you enter correct section if eligible for qualification failure to do so could risk forfeiting qualification**



Class 5 70cm Individual and Teams Competition incorporating the Barrier Animal Health Show Jump Spring Festival 70cm Qualifier.

Open to all. 

Individual placing and team placings

Single phase

Speed 325 mpm

Top 2 from area 1 and 19 to qualify providing in top 6.

Entry £18

Individuals Kindly sponsored by 

Teams Kindly sponsored by 


Class 6 80cm Individual and Team Competition incorporating the Barrier Animal Health Show Jump Spring Festival 80cm Qualifier.

Open to all. 

Individual placing and team placings

Single phase

Speed 325 mpm

Top 2 from area 1 and 19 to qualify providing in top 6.

Entry £18  

Individual Kindly Sponsored by 


Class 7 90cm Individual and Team Competition incorporating the Barrier Animal Health Show Jumping Spring Festival 90cm Qualifier

Open to all.

Individual placing and team placings

Single phase

Speed 325 mpm

Top 2 from area 1 and 19 to qualify providing in top 6.

Entry £18

Teams Kindly Sponsored by 

 Kindly Sponsored by  


Class 8 1m Individual and Team Competition incorporating the Barrier Animal Health Show Jumping Spring Festival 90cm Qualifier

Open to all.

Individual placings and Team placings

Top 2 in Area 1 & 19 to qualify providing in top 6.

Single phase

Entry £18

Individual Kindly Sponsored by 


Class 9 1.10 Open

Single Phase

Entry £14

Individual Kindly Sponsored by 


Terms & conditions

Terms and Conditions of entry.


1.      The show will run under Pony club Show jumping rules 2025.

2.      Pony Club Spring Festival Show Jumping rules 2024/25 will apply for qualification.

3.      Classes 5-8 it is the competito

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Terms and Conditions of entry.


1.      The show will run under Pony club Show jumping rules 2025.

2.      Pony Club Spring Festival Show Jumping rules 2024/25 will apply for qualification.

3.      Classes 5-8 it is the competitors responsibility to ensure we are aware of eligibility.

4.      The Judges Decision is Final. 

5.      Objections must be made in writing, accompanied by a £20 deposit to be refunded if the objection is upheld. 

6.      The organiser reserves the right to refuse or restrict entries. If the event is oversubscribed, current Pony Club members will be given priority. 

7.      In the event of cancellation due to adverse weather conditions, entry fees will be returned less £2.50 for administration per class. 

8.      No entry fee will be refunded without a veterinary or doctor’s certificate. 

1.    9.Any refunded entries will be returned less £2.50 for administration per class.

9.      Competitors must wear correct show dress and horses must wear correct tack. 

10.   The organisers do not hold themselves responsible for anything that may happen to competitors, spectators, their property, their horse or their helpers in connection with or arising out of this show. It shall be a condition of entry that each entrant shall agree to indemnify the organisers against any legal action arising from any incident. 

11.   The organisers have taken reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents occurring and must obey the instructions of the organisers, all officials and stewards.

12.   Individual Prizes will be given down to 6th place in all classes.

13.   Team placings will be given down to 3rd place in all classes.

14.   Teams must be declared by Wednesday 29th January by email strictly no later. 

15.   Teams can be made up from either 3 or 4 members (4th member maybe a 2nd horse for 1 team member).

2.    17..  Anyone bringing a dog must have it on a lead at ALL times.

3.    18. Draws and Times will be published prior to show commencing and strict order will be followed so please check timings!  If we run ahead we will go no quicker than 30 minutes ahead of scheduled times and will publish frequently on our Facebook page so please keep an eye out.

4.    19. Any non pony club members MUST have their own insurance 



***From everyone at L&S we would like to say thank you to all our fantastic sponsors as without your support it all would not be possible to run these fantastic shows***




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Refund policy

1.      In the event of cancellation due to adverse weather conditions, entry fees will be returned less £2.50 for administration per class. 

2.      No entry fee will be refunded without a veterinary or doctor’s certificate. 


3.   .Any refunded entries will be returned less £2.50 for administration per class.

Who & where

Organiser contact
claire leitch
Mobile: 07855485535
The Pony Club Organisation:
Branch: Linlithgow & Stirlingshire (Area 19)
claire leitch
Mobile: 07855485535
Scottish National Equestrian Centre (SNEC)
West Lothian
EH52 6NH
01506 865 714
