
Athelstaneford Village Hall

East Lothian Pony Club (ELPC) Badge Rally

The Pony Club The Pony Club A fun badge rally open to all members of ELPC. We will be working on Poisonous Plants (Mini Achievement and Achievement badges) and Learning Theory (Mini Achievement and Achievement badges).   Mi...
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Bookings closed

Event dates

{{ showDatesByTimezone(m_show.start, 'date', m_show.timezone, "ddd, MMM DD 'YY") }}
{{ showDatesByTimezone(m_show.start, 'time', m_show.timezone, "HH:mm a") }}

{{ showDatesByTimezone(m_show.end, 'date', m_show.timezone, "ddd, MMM DD 'YY") }}
{{ showDatesByTimezone(m_show.end, 'time', m_show.timezone, "HH:mm a") }}

Bookings open

{{ showDatesByTimezone(m_show.start_entries, 'date', m_show.timezone, "ddd, MMM DD 'YY") }}
{{ showDatesByTimezone(m_show.start_entries, 'time', m_show.timezone, "HH:mm a") }}

{{ showDatesByTimezone(m_show.close_entries, 'date', m_show.timezone, "ddd, MMM DD 'YY") }}
{{ showDatesByTimezone(m_show.close_entries, 'time', m_show.timezone, "HH:mm a") }}


A fun badge rally open to all members of ELPC. We will be working on Poisonous Plants (Mini Achievement and Achievement badges) and Learning Theory (Mini Achievement and Achievement badges).


Mini achievement badges for younger members.

Achievement badges for older Juniors and Senior members. 

A snack will be provided, please bring your own water bottle.

Terms & conditions

Neither the organisers, or any person acting on their behalf, accepts liability for the loss, damage, injury or illness to ponies, riders, spectators or any other person or property.

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Neither the organisers, or any person acting on their behalf, accepts liability for the loss, damage, injury or illness to ponies, riders, spectators or any other person or property.

Refund policy

No refund after the closing date, Sunday 17 November.

No late entries.

Who & where

Organiser contact
Susan Whiteford
The Pony Club Organisation:
Branch: East Lothian (Area 19)
Laura Cull Hooker
Athelstaneford Village Hall
Main Street
EH39 5BE
