
The David Broome Event Centre

RoR Wales Broomes Camp-Day option.

Retraining of Racehorses Retraining of Racehorses Day camp option for RoR Wales Broomes camp on either 21st or 22nd Sept. Day camp includes  ✅ x2 ridden sessions (jump, poles, flat or dressage to music) shared (2 riders or upto 3 in a jump less...
See more >
Bookings closed

Event dates

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Bookings open

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Day camp option for RoR Wales Broomes camp on either 21st or 22nd Sept.

Day camp includes 

✅ x2 ridden sessions (jump, poles, flat or dressage to music) shared (2 riders or upto 3 in a jump lesson).

✅ A delicious lunch in the pavilion provided by the Pickled Pumpkin  

✅ A day stable for your horse

✅ Access to any talks or interactive unmounted sessions taking place. These will depend which day you attend. 

Sessions include,

Talk from The Worshipful Company of Loriners

Q&A with Amanda Birch dressage to music expert 

Equissage sessions with Sally Pritchard 

Walking and building safe pole/jump distances 



The Retraining of Racehorses (RoR) their servants, agents, employees and all those connected with The David Broome Event Centre Equestrian facilities do not accept any liability for any damage, whether occasioned by the negligence or breach of contract or statutory duty of themselves, their servants, agents, employees or those connected with the RoR or Equestrian facilities or otherwise howsoever. It is an express condition of every person entering upon the Equestrian facilities that he/she agrees that he/she does so at his/her own risk and voluntarily accepts the risk of injury or damage that is implicit in riding a horse on the premises. All accidents must be reported and an accident report completed at the office. I have read the conditions and agree to be bound by, and observe them and to absolve the RoR and The David Broome Event Centre, and anyone else of those connected with the Equestrian facilities, for any injury or damage that I might suffer whilst on the premises.

Should the instructors have any doubt about the safety of a person due to capability, faulty tack/equipment or any other reason, the instructor may refuse to allow that person to take part until they are satisfied with the amendments made. Properly fitting hard riding hats conforming to current British Safety Standards and footwear with heels must be worn at all times when mounted.

The organisers reserve the right to alter the programme at any time if necessary. 
No smoking is tolerated in the cabins or stable yard areas.

The show ground will be out of bounds due to a wedding on friday evening, we have access to the stables and lorry park only.

Camp information forms will be sent out during early September, please return these promptly so we can design the time table in good time.

Riders must be over 15 years of age and anyone under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian present throughout camp.

Campers are advised to carry a mobile phone and be aware of the emergency contact numbers for the event.

The event organiser reserves the right to make changes to the timetable, activities or coaches as required.

Coaches/event organisers reserve the right to withdraw horses/riders from activities on ground of safety or welfare without a refund.

Hats to the current safety standards must always be worn and correctly secured when mounted. Please check yours meets current standards

No-one other than the rider listed with the event organiser may ride your horse whilst at camp.

All horses must be over the age of 4 years and of appropriate fitness level for the activity being undertaken - any horses who are not sound or fit enough for the activity undertaken will be retired from the activity by decision of the coach or organiser without a refund.

All horses/ponies must be in possession of a current up-to-date passport and vaccination certificate, showing it has had the first two flu/tet vaccinations but has not had any vaccination in the 6 days prior to arriving. (Further vaccination guidance can be found by consulting your vet). If you are unable to present this documentation when arriving at the event, you will be turned away and will not be eligible for any refund.

No grass turnout is available at Camp and anyone found turning horses out in an arena/grassed area will be asked to leave immediately.

Please be aware that photography or recording may take place at this event. Images/videos  may be used by RoR for general publicity including, but not limited to, websites and social media.

Refund policy

No refunds will be given unless you can provide a medical note for yourself or your horse covering the date of camp. 

Who & where

Organiser contact
Amy Bannister-Bell
The David Broome Event Centre
Mount Ballan Manor
Monmouthshire [Sir Fynwy GB-FYN]
NP26 5XP
01291 420778/ 418125 (option 3)
