
EquiTi Riding Centre

RoR Wales Jump, Pole or Flat Work clinic Amy Bannister-Bell BHSI, St Asaph.

Retraining of Racehorses Retraining of Racehorses Enjoy a flat work, Pole work or jumping lesson in a great indoor arena over the winter months. All levels of RoR's welcome, Amy is a BHSI (level 5 performance coach) and RoR approved trainer having wo...
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Bookings closed

Event dates

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Bookings open

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Enjoy a flat work, Pole work or jumping lesson in a great indoor arena over the winter months. All levels of RoR's welcome, Amy is a BHSI (level 5 performance coach) and RoR approved trainer having worked with horses in and out of training for over 18 years. Shared 1hr lessons available on request when a suitable partner is available. 

Who & where

Organiser contact
Amy Bannister-Bell
Mobile: 07443342202
EquiTi Riding Centre
Ty Isaf
St Asaph
Denbighshire [Sir Ddinbych GB-DDB]
LL17 0AA
