
Yarrow & Ettrick Pastoral Society Show Ground

Yarrow & Ettrick Pastoral Society Show 102nd Annual Show

Retraining of Racehorses


What3Words - incursion.dwarf.vehicle  Entries: £8.  NO FIELD ENTRIES ACCEPTED except for Show Jumping (double fee) Please let us have entries as soon as possible NUMBERS TO BE COLLECT...
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Bookings closed

Event dates

{{ showDatesByTimezone(m_show.start, 'date', m_show.timezone, "ddd, MMM DD 'YY") }}
{{ showDatesByTimezone(m_show.start, 'time', m_show.timezone, "HH:mm a") }}

{{ showDatesByTimezone(m_show.end, 'date', m_show.timezone, "ddd, MMM DD 'YY") }}
{{ showDatesByTimezone(m_show.end, 'time', m_show.timezone, "HH:mm a") }}

Bookings open

{{ showDatesByTimezone(m_show.start_entries, 'date', m_show.timezone, "ddd, MMM DD 'YY") }}
{{ showDatesByTimezone(m_show.start_entries, 'time', m_show.timezone, "HH:mm a") }}

{{ showDatesByTimezone(m_show.close_entries, 'date', m_show.timezone, "ddd, MMM DD 'YY") }}
{{ showDatesByTimezone(m_show.close_entries, 'time', m_show.timezone, "HH:mm a") }}


What3Words - incursion.dwarf.vehicle 

Entries: £8.  NO FIELD ENTRIES ACCEPTED except for Show Jumping (double fee) Please let us have entries as soon as possible NUMBERS TO BE COLLECTED ON SHOW DAY FROM SECRETARY.  Current standard BS skull caps/riding hats must be worn by riders at all times.  Passports must be available for inspection.


Admission £10.00 (inc. car parking), Under 16s free & Concession £5.00, Ringside Car Park £5.00

Terms & conditions

Rules & Regulations


2. The objects of the SOCIETY shall be:

(1) Improvement of the Breed of Sheep, Cattle, Horses and other animals, and in particular the encouragement of the

production and maintenance of the Breed of Cheviot and Blackfaced Sheep.

(2) To encourage the Breeding

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Rules & Regulations


2. The objects of the SOCIETY shall be:

(1) Improvement of the Breed of Sheep, Cattle, Horses and other animals, and in particular the encouragement of the

production and maintenance of the Breed of Cheviot and Blackfaced Sheep.

(2) To encourage the Breeding and Training of Hunters suitable for the Border District.

(3) To encourage efficiency in the practice of home-baking, butter-making, and cookery, the making of household and

domestic articles and generally to take such action as will popularise and brighten the amenities of rural life in the most

homely and least expensive way.

(4) To hold a Show or Shows annually within the Society’s District, and to offer premiums for competition.

(5) The diffusion of information and discussion of matters affecting pastoral and agricultural interests, and the extension

of social intercourse among members.

(6) To institute enquiry, to promote reforms, and to assist members of kindred Societies in prosecuting or defending legal

or other proceedings in matters relating to agriculture or live stock, and for that purpose to make such contributions from

the funds as the members may appoint.

(7) Such other objects connected with agriculture and horticulture and the promotion of the interests of members as may

be approved of from time to time at General Meetings of the Society.

3. The district of the Society shall embrace the Parishes of Yarrow, Ettrick, Kirkhope, Ashkirk and Selkirk, including the Burgh

of Selkirk.

4. The General Meeting of the Society shall be held annually in February; and the Annual Show in September, on a date to

be fixed at the General Meeting. A Committee of Management shall be appointed each year, at the General Meeting—five

members to form a quorum, inclusive of office-bearers.

5. Members’ Annual Subscriptions, £10; Shepherds and Cottagers, £7. Contributors of £10 and upwards residing outside

the District of the Society, or in the Burgh of Selkirk, shall be eligible for membership. Non-members of the Society will be

charged double for all Sheep and Cattle entries.

Members whose subscriptions and entry money have not been paid at time of entry will not be allowed to compete.

6. Life Membership is secured by a single payment of £150 to the Life Membership Secretary.

7. Entries must be made two clear weeks before the Show.

8. All Stock, etc., exhibited must have been the property of the Exhibitors for three months previous to the Show, except

where stated “No Restrictions” in the Prize-List. Field and Garden Produce must have been grown in the Field or Garden

of Exhibitor. Window Plants must have been in the possession of Exhibitor for six weeks previous to Show.

9. Tups may be fed throughout the year at the discretion of the Exhibitor.

10. Tup Lambs must have been bred and reared on the hill, but they may be spained and brought in from the hill, on or after

1st August, and fed at the discretion of the Exhibitor from then till the Show.

11. All Sheep must have been clipped on or after the first day of June preceding the Show. Tups may be clipped on or after

6th April. Cheviots in their new wool.

12. All Rams shown, except such as are Home-Bred, must be used in the Show District during the whole of the ensuing

season, unless they have been so used in a previous season.

13. The Committee shall have power at any time to call upon an Exhibitor to furnish proof that the Stock exhibited by him has

complied with the above Rules.

14. The Judges are empowered to withhold or modify the Prize-Money where they consider the Exhibits are not of sufficient

merit, especially where there is limited competition.

15. The Judges’ decision to be final and indisputable.

16. All protests must be lodged in writing with the Secretary before 4 p.m., and shall be dealt with by the Protest Committee

(whose decision will be final), at the conclusion of the judging, each protest to be accompanied by a deposit of £10,

which shall be forfeited if the Committee consider the Protest frivolous.

17. The Society will not hold itself responsible for any accident that may befall any stock or exhibitor.


18. All Stock to be penned by 9 a.m. on the morning of the Show, and no Stock to be removed before 4 p.m. No Prize-

Money will be given if this Rule is infringed.


19. The Secretary will supply Tickets of Admission to persons in charge of stock. Members and Donors will also be supplied

with Free Tickets. No one without a Ticket will be admitted to the Judging Ring. No dogs allowed in the Judging Rings.

No Passes will be issued to Exhibitors in any Section unless the entry money amounts to £10.00 or upwards. The Yard

will be open for Exhibitors to stage their Exhibits up to 9 a.m., when it will be cleared, and everybody without a Ticket

charged the intimated rates of admission.

20. Shepherds will have the right to show their employers’ Ewe Lambs off their own hirsels, provided either they or their

employers are Members, and they comply with class conditions and regulations.

21. It shall not be competent to dissolve the Society so long as it is in possession of any funds or capital apart from the

subscriptions of Members, and in no event shall it be dissolved without the consent of three-fourths of the Members.

22. Any Member who has not resigned his membership in writing before 1st December shall be liable for the Annual

Subscription for that year.

23. No alteration can be made on these Rules except at the General Meeting of the Society held in February.

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Refund policy

No refund will be made where withdrawal is notified after the closing date for entries.

Who & where

Organiser contact
Christine Gray
Mobile: 07960426608
Yarrow & Ettrick Pastoral Society Show Ground
Scottish Borders, The
