
Cousland Park

RoR Scotland - Club Night with Karon Carson, Cousland EH22 2PD

Retraining of Racehorses Retraining of Racehorses RoR Club Nights - a relaxed educational evening, aimed at all owners of RoR registered horses and riders aged 15 years and over, from newbies wanting to get their horses out to the more experienced. C...
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Bookings closed

Event dates

Thu, 04 Jul '24
16:00 pm

Thu, 04 Jul '24
20:00 pm

Bookings open

Mon, 03 Jun '24
09:00 am

Mon, 01 Jul '24
19:00 pm
Maximum spaces per day (for the event): 16


RoR Club Nights - a relaxed educational evening, aimed at all owners of RoR registered horses and riders aged 15 years and over, from newbies wanting to get their horses out to the more experienced. Come along and meet fellow RoR riders, make friends and have fun!  There will be an instructor on hand to help work through any issues with flat, polework or jumping.

Local trainer and competitor KARON CARSON is a BHS II UKCC 2 BRITISH EVENTIN DEVELOPMENT COACH coach who regularly teaches locally and she competes in dressage and eventing nationally, she has had a very succesful career working and competing with ex rcehorses.

Please can you indicate at what level you are working at on the flat and jumping.

PLEASE NOTE that all riders must be 15 years and over at the 1st January this year to be able to participate in RoR activities.  Please also ensure you enter using your horses registered name and not it's stable name.

REFUNDS: will only be processed after the event on production of a valid veterinary or medical certificate relating to the horse/rider entered for this event.

We reserve the right to cancel if not well supported.

Terms & conditions



Any Participants arriving at Cousland Park, known as The Venue hereafter, will be deemed to have read, understood and accep

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Any Participants arriving at Cousland Park, known as The Venue hereafter, will be deemed to have read, understood and accepted the Terms and Conditions. 

Participants must be registered with RoR and be over the age of 15.


The Retraining of Racehorses (RoR) their servants, agents, employees and all those connected with Fleetwood Hall Farm, do not accept any liability for any damage, whether occasioned by the negligence or breach of contract or statutory duty of themselves, their servants, agents, employees or those connected with RoR or The Venue or the Venue’s Facilities or otherwise, whatsoever.

It is an express condition of every person entering The Venue’s facilities that he/she does so at his/her own risk and voluntarily accepts the risk of injury or damage that is implicit in riding a horse on the premises. Riders must have their own Personal Liability Insurance Policies.

All accidents must be reported, and an Accident Report Form completed by a Representative of RoR.

I have read the conditions and agree to be bound by, and observe them and to absolve the RoR, The Venue and anyone else of those connected, with the Venue facilities, for any injury or damage that I might suffer whilst on the premises.


Times will be given two days before the event. If you would like to request a time that is better for you, please add a note onto your booking. I cannot guarantee that we will be able to grant everyones requests, but will try!

Please ENSURE you give Horse Registration number, your name and number as well as name and number of emergency contact.


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Refund policy

No refunds whatsoever after times are published, vet/medical certificate to be produced.

Who & where

Organiser contact
Aileen Firth
Mobile: 07442 576996
Cousland Park
EH22 2PD
