
Springwood Riding Club

17th September Springwood Riding Club Show open to all grass roots

Enter 000 if you are not a member and then bring £5 cash on the day for your day membership 
See more >
Bookings closed

Event dates

Sun, 17 Sep '23
08:45 am

Sun, 17 Sep '23
16:00 pm

Bookings open

Sun, 13 Aug '23

Thu, 14 Sep '23
23:59 pm


Enter 000 if you are not a member and then bring £5 cash on the day for your day membership 

Terms & conditions

2022 Club Show Rules

·      All rider age as of 1st January 2023.  so if you 14 on the 1st January 2023 you are 14 for that year.

·      All competitors must have attained their 3rd birthday on or before the 1st January 2023.

·      ·      All rider age as of 1st January 2023.  so if you 14 on the 1st January 2023 you are 14 for that year.

·      All competitors must have attained their 3rd birthday on or before the 1st January 2023.

·      Horses all age on the 1st January irrespective of their birth date, opposite to rider rule: if you horse turns 5 that year they are 5 on the 1st January 2023.

·      No horse/pony under 4 years of age are permitted in any ridden class.

·      No stallions (a stallion is classes as 4 years and over)

·      Colts allowed at club shows, all colts to be suitably bitted and appropriately handled. 

·      Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.

·      Any complaints must be handed to the club in writing of the day of the event, with a deposit of £20.00 which will be forfeited if the complaint is overruled following discussion at the next planned committee meeting.

·      The committee's decision is FINAL.

·      All horses / ponies MUST of had an annual FLU vaccination within 12 months, or received both their 1st and 2nd Flu vaccine as a re-start. PASSPORTS WILL BE CHECKED.

·      All horses/riders must have adequate third-party liability insurance.

·      All persons attending Springwood Riding Club do so at their own risk. The organisers / landowner cannot accept responsibility for any person, animal or property.

·      ZERO TOLERANCE TO ABUSIVE AND/OR THREATENING BEHAVIOUR to judges, officials, spectators or their animals on the show ground. Anyone found doing so will be asked to leave the ground and may be banned.

·      The judges’ decision is FINAL in all respects.

·      A maximum of 8 classes may be entered per horse/pony at any one show. Maximum of 4 jumping classes - SJ OR W/H combined classes per horse/pony.

·      Any horse/pony may have more than one rider providing they do not compete in the same class with the exception of Handy Pony and Dressage. The name of the horse/pony must stay the same for both riders.

·      Snaffle bridles include wilkies and hanging cheek bits. APART FROM DRESSAGE SEE BD RULES.

·      Correct riding attire, Current British standard/PAS approved hard hat and suitable footwear MUST be worn whilst mounted. No trainers whilst mounted. Over 18's can wear a beagle/bowler/top hat at your own risk, but we strongly advise against this.

·      Competitors will be given a two-minute call to present themselves to the ring, unless the judge is otherwise informed. It is the competitor’s responsibility to arrive at a class on time.

·      The organisers cannot be held responsible for any classes which clash.

·      In line with the current DEFRA guidelines, all horses/ponies are to have a current passport available for inspection at any time.

·      Where the height of a horse/pony is in dispute, a height certificate should be produced.

·      Regardless of age, the rider must be a suitable height/weight for the horse/pony, including lead rein.


·      Three consecutive strikes with the whip or excessive use of aids will result in disqualification.

·      In the interest of safety: Competitors must warm up in the practice ring provided. Trotting, cantering or lungeing is NOT permitted in the walkways or car park. Any offenders will be asked to leave the showground.

·      No spurs to be worn by competitors under 16 years of age. Spurs are not permitted in Handy Pony, Games or any beginners Class.

·      Dogs MUST be kept on leads at all times and all mess cleared up and disposed of in the bins provided.

·      Members must compete in the same class FOUR times to be awarded points for the Presentation Awards

·      Competitors are encouraged to wear body protectors in classes and will not be deducted points in any class including showing classes.

·      Lead Rein: Handlers to be aged 14 years and over. All lead reins must be attached to noseband. Rider not to have attained 10th birthday on 1st Jan in the current year. Pony must not exc 128cms for showing classes. Riders on lead rein can compete non-competitively off lead rein in the same section ie, Cradle and Nursery Stakes, but points will only be allocated for one class in that section (the competitive entry).

·      Colt handlers must be aged 16 years or over.

·      Horse and Ponys entering M&M classes must be a full breed (no part breds) and hold a Specific breed Passport, examples are shown on Springwoods Website.

·      Maximum length of whips must not exceed 30”, except Dressage.

·      Show Jumping Faults: Refusal = 4 faults. Knock Down = 4 faults. Third Refusal, Fall of Horse or Rider or Dismount = Elimination. Working Hunter: fall of horse or rider = Elimination.

·      All earrings and body studs should be removed before competing.

·      Bit less entries are welcomed in any class. APART FROM DRESSAGE SEE BD RULES.


·      Lame, unwell or unfit horses will be asked to retire from any class.

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Who & where

Organiser contact
Springwood Riding Club
Springwood Riding Club
Smalley Mill Road
DE21 5BL
