
Palace House

RoR Showing as part of Newmarket Open Weekend

Retraining of Racehorses Retraining of Racehorses Tattersalls Amateur Ridden Show Series and Open In Hand Qualifier classes , as well as a Novice Ridden Retrained Thoroughbred Racehorse class, all held at The National Horse Racing Museum bosted by Ro...
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Bookings closed

Event dates

{{ showDatesByTimezone(m_show.start, 'date', m_show.timezone, "ddd, MMM DD 'YY") }}
{{ showDatesByTimezone(m_show.start, 'time', m_show.timezone, "HH:mm a") }}

{{ showDatesByTimezone(m_show.end, 'date', m_show.timezone, "ddd, MMM DD 'YY") }}
{{ showDatesByTimezone(m_show.end, 'time', m_show.timezone, "HH:mm a") }}

Bookings open

{{ showDatesByTimezone(m_show.start_entries, 'date', m_show.timezone, "ddd, MMM DD 'YY") }}
{{ showDatesByTimezone(m_show.start_entries, 'time', m_show.timezone, "HH:mm a") }}

{{ showDatesByTimezone(m_show.close_entries, 'date', m_show.timezone, "ddd, MMM DD 'YY") }}
{{ showDatesByTimezone(m_show.close_entries, 'time', m_show.timezone, "HH:mm a") }}
Maximum spaces per day (for the event): 50


Tattersalls Amateur Ridden Show Series and Open In Hand Qualifier classes , as well as a Novice Ridden Retrained Thoroughbred Racehorse class, all held at The National Horse Racing Museum bosted by RoR East Region on Saturday 16th September 2023 as part of the Newmarket Open Weekend

For Both RoR qualifying classes you must provide your Horses RoR Registration number when entering!

Both the Amateur Ridden and Open In Hand Showing Series are qualifiers for the RoR Qualifying classes. The Amateur Ridden is for RoR Amateur Final in 2024 and the In Hand is for RoR Championship show at Aintree 2023.

Judge - Miss Rebecca Court

Please note times are subject to change, as at present they're provisional times.

Class 1 – Tattersalls RoR AMATEUR Ridden Show Series Qualifier 2024

Open to all RoR and NR competition registered horses, 4yrs and over, mares and geldings, owned, produced and ridden by an Amateur. Riders must be 15 years or over on the 1st January of the calendar year holding the classes. Horses should be ridden in a snaffle, Pelham or simple double bridle with a plain cavasson noseband. Horses should be plaited.

The Series is open to AMATEURS only – those employed in racing will be allowed to compete. Class will be judged under ‘riding horse’ format without ‘type’ being taken into consideration.

Racing injuries and blemishes ARE IGNORED in this series

The Judge will not ride at the qualifiers but will ride in the final.

Competitors/handlers/grooms must wear a safety/kite mark hard hat with a chinstrap.

The first three go forward to the final at the Hickstead Derby Meeting June 2024

RoR Rosettes 1st – 4th

RoR Prizes - 1st £30, 2nd £20, 3rd £10

Amateur definition:

The rules are as in the rulebook with the following addition that an amateur may not show a horse owned or sponsored by a company or commercial firm. In addition a person classed as amateur must not be supported by a company in any way or act as brand ambassador whether financially or in-kind. An amateur is a person who for the purpose of RoR classes does not/has not during the current season or previous season:

Engage (d) in breeding, livery, buying or selling, dealing or hiring horses in a commercial capacity.

Horses must not have been stabled at or reside in a Professional Producer's/Trainer's yard from January 1st 2023

Riders must not have ridden any animals produced by a Professional/Trainer in the current or previous season.

Horses and riders must not receive any help from a Professional Producer/Trainer at a SHOW in the current season.

A rider who has ridden for a Professional/Producer Trainer in the current or previous season must not have ridden horses at a show.

Any breaches of this ruling will be taken seriously and will result in disqualification from future classes.

Full details of the day will be emailed the week before the competition

Class 2 - Unaffiliated Novice Ridden Retrained Thoroughbred Racehorse 

Open to all thoroughbreds, 3 years old and older, has to have been in training but can have raced in GB, Ireland, France, Germany, Europe and Rest of World. Not to have won or come second in a ridden RoR Qualifier Class before

Riders must be 15 years and older 

Horses do not need to be shod but must be plaited and correctly turned out for showing.  Snaffle encouraged, but pelham or double bridle are acceptable.

Does not need to be RoR competition registered but does need to be registered with the RoR (free membership)

Warm up for this class will be during the judges lunch break, once class 1 finishes, until it resumes for class 2.

Judge - Miss Rebecca Court 

Class 3 - Tattersalls RoR OPEN In Hand Show Series Qualifier 2024

Open to all RoR and NR competition registered horses, 3yrs and over, fillies, mares and geldings.

Horses do not need to be shod to compete in the RoR Open In-Hand class. Horses can be shown in a Bitless/In Hand Bridle.

Blemishes caused through racing will be ignored.

All those entering horses and/or participating in the show agree to be bound by the Retraining of Racehorses Rules and Regulations from time to time in force.

Handlers/grooms must wear a safety/kite mark hard hat with a chinstrap.

The first three go forward to the final at The Jockey Club RoR National Championships at Aintree, August 2024

Rosettes 1st – 4th

Prizes - 1st £30, 2nd £20, 3rd £10.

Terms & conditions


Ts & Cs - The owners and associates of The National Horse Racing Museum, Newmarket Open Weekend and Retraining of Racehordsses (RoR) will not be liable for any damage caused whatsoever to vehicles, property, animals, trailers, lorries, individuals etc whilst the hirer/co

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Ts & Cs - The owners and associates of The National Horse Racing Museum, Newmarket Open Weekend and Retraining of Racehordsses (RoR) will not be liable for any damage caused whatsoever to vehicles, property, animals, trailers, lorries, individuals etc whilst the hirer/coach/clinic attendees/judges are using the facilities. Should any horse or rider booked on the RoR event damage any jumps, poles, vehicles, horses etc they will be responsible for their repair or replacement or treatment, not Retraining of Racehorses (RoR)

But entering you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions

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Who & where

Organiser contact
Sophie Pettit
Sophie Pettit
Mobile: 07915043201
Palace House
Palace Street
