
Moreton Morrell

Moreton Morrell Riding Club Unaffiliated Horse Trials Inc. Area 5 RC Team & Individual Points

All classes hold a start fee of £10.00 paid on the day cash or cheque Only. Start times will be available on Thursday 20th September on both our Facebook page
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Bookings closed

Event dates

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Bookings open

{{ showDatesByTimezone(m_show.start_entries, 'date', m_show.timezone, "ddd, MMM DD 'YY") }}
{{ showDatesByTimezone(m_show.start_entries, 'time', m_show.timezone, "HH:mm a") }}

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{{ showDatesByTimezone(m_show.close_entries, 'time', m_show.timezone, "HH:mm a") }}


All classes hold a start fee of £10.00 paid on the day cash or cheque Only. Start times will be available on Thursday 20th September on both our Facebook page and British Riding clubs Area 5 Facebook page Over night and day stables available email for details No refunds after close of entry, Online entry refunds hold an admin fee which is non - refundable. PRIZES: Classes 2, 4 & 6 – 1st £60, 2nd £30, 3rd £15 + Money off vouchers for use of the Equine Facilities at Moreton Morrell. Each class winner a 6 x 8 mounted photograph kindly sponsored by 1st Class Images. Vouchers will be awarded in all classes per every 10 starters in each section to a maximum of 3th place. Rosettes will be awarded to 10th Place in all sections. HEALTH and SAFETY STATEMENT The organisers of this event have taken reasonable precautions to ensure the health and safety of every person present. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents occurring and must obey the instructions of the organisers and all the officials and stewards. Please take special care to ensure the safety of children. Children must be supervised at all times. DISCLAIMER of LIABILITY Save for death or injury caused by the negligence of the organisers or anyone for whom they are in law responsible, Warwickshire College, for themselves, their servants, agents, employees and all those connected with the horse trials, do not accept liability for any accident, loss, damage, injury or illness to horses, owners, riders, spectators, vehicles, their contents and accessories or any other person or property whatsoever, whether caused by their negligence, breach of contract or statutory duty or any way whatsoever of themselves, their servants, agents, employees and all those connected with the horse trials or otherwise. RESERVATION of RIGHT The Organisers reserve the right to: Cancel any class or section; Divide any class; Transfer competitors between sections of a class; Alter the advertised times, and Refuse any entry. CLASS RULES: All hats MUST have been tagged with an Aqua hat tag, this can be done at the Secretaries. All classes will be run under British Riding Club Rules 2018, with Area 5 amendments. Teams of Four with the best three scores to count. BRC Riders entered in teams will also count as individuals in their sections STOPWATCHES ARE ALLOWED, BACK PROTECTORS MUST BE BETA LEVEL 3 PURPLE LABEL 2009 OR AFTER, PLEASE BRING TO SECRETARY WHEN YOU COLLECT YOUR NUMBER FOR CHECKING. MEDICAL ARMBANDS ARE COMPULSORY AND MUST BE WORN ON THE ARM. GENERAL RULES ALL CLASSES Horse / ponies must be 5 years or older. Horses/ponies must be over 132cm in height. Riders must attain the age of 12 years in 2018. HAT STANDARDS Due to a change by the European Commission regarding EN1384 and BSEN1384 no longer being an accepted standard, all hats which only meet the standard EN1384 or BSEN1384, and do not comply with another standard, WILL NOT be accepted and therefore will not be permitted for any BRC competition. IMPORTANT CHANGE FOR THE CROSS COUNTRY PHASE: Only a “Jockey Skull” complying with the above standards may be worn for any XC phase. This must not have a peak, any peak type extensions or noticeable protuberances above the eyes or to the front and should have an even round or elliptical shape with a smooth or slightly abrasive surface. A removable hat cover with a light flexible peak may be used if required. Body Protectors: A body protector is obligatory in all cross-country competitions and is strongly recommended in show jumping competitions. A BETA Level 3 (purple label) which has been manufactured in the year 2009 or after must be worn. Body protectors should be fitted and worn as per the manufacturer’s instructions. The uses of HEAD CAMS are strictly prohibited. This includes use on the head, chest, bridle or any other part of the horse or rider. Medical arm bands are compulsory; these must be worn on the arm Any horse or pony, which is considered by a Judge, Organiser or Steward to be unsound, unfit or unhealthy, will be excluded from further competition without any refund of entry fee. All dogs must be kept on leads. ATV (quad bikes) and motor-bikes are not permitted at Moreton Morrell, unless specifically authorised by the Organisers. Non-competing/travel companions are not to be left unaccompanied, the organiser/secretary must be made aware of any horses/ponies onsite which are not competing. Paper numbers will be used, so each rider will require a bib to display the number. ALL DOGS MUST BE ON A LEAD & CLEARED UP AFTER – Moreton Morrell College is a Working Farm. XC Course designer and builder: Lloyd Hunt SJ Couse Builder: Martin Cox COURSE WALKING: The Cross Country Courses will be open for walking on Saturday 22nd September from 2pm OBJECTIONS: Objections must be made in writing to the Secretary within half an hour of the incident together with a £50 deposit. The deposit will be forfeited if the objection is not sustained. After this the score cannot be changed.

Who & where

Moreton Morrell
Moreton Morrell
CV35 9BL
0330 135 6416
